Alberta’s #1 Online Business Insurance Tool For Consultants
Gain the peace of mind you deserve!
We’ve Got You Covered!
Quick, Easy & Convenient
Answer a Few Questions & Voila! You get your personalized Quote
Available Any Day, Any Time
Get Insured 24 Hours a Day
Save Money
Same Protection at a Reduced Cost
Get Properly Protected!
Policy Documents Emailed Instantly
Insurance Designed Specifically for Consultants & consulting businesses
All insurance coverages are designed to cover common consultant risks.
Eligible Consulting Professionals
- Access Consultant
- Acoustic Consultant
- Business and Management Consultant
- Business Analyst
- Business Process Re-Engineering Consultant
- Career Advisor
- Change Management Consultant
- Document Preparer
- Resume Consultant
- Data Analyst
- Education Consultant
- Employment Consultant (No Placements)
- Feng Shui Consultant
- Fundraising Consultant
- Higher Education Consultant
- Hotel and Catering Consultant
- Human Resources Consultant
- Image Consultant
- Language Consultant
- Life/Career/Executive Coach
- Management Consultant (No M&A)
- Management Training
- Marketing and Advertising Consultant
- Market Researcher
- Occupational Health Consultant
- Personnel Consultant
- Public Relations Consultant
- Research Consultant
- Sales/Marketing/PR Consultant
- Telecommunications Consultant
- Training Consultant
Recent Success Story
HR professional, Sue, switched to Collis Insurance’s online insurance for her professional liability, dropping her rate from $2945 to $1595, saving 45% a year!
we’ve got you covered
Professional Liability
A minor mistake or an oversight can set off a chain reaction which could ultimately cause your client to lose income and come back to you to recover the loss.
Common examples of professional liability claims:
- Missing a deadline
- Suggesting a course of action/strategy/person that doesn’t lead to the desired result.
- Unexpected costs in a proposed project
- Forgetting something or failing to provide service/advice
Commercial general liability
This policy helps cover legal fees due to unexpected accidents related to a client’s personal injury, bodily injury, or property damage.
CGL is especially recommended if you:
- Have customers that visit your place of business.
- Serve your clients at their property.
- Rent space
- Advertise
- Sign contracts with clients
Property Coverage
Property coverage provide funds to help replace or repair damaged contents and equipment whether that is a computer, electronics, office furniture, or tenant impovements.
Privacy & security breach coverage
Imagine your business laptop is missing, your online system is hacked, or your customers’ payment details are stolen. In these unfortunate scenarios, a breach response strategy and incident management plan will be provided mitigating the harsh impacts of a breach on your business and helping protect your reputation as a professional as well.
Saqib Tariq, Small Business Owner
Get a Consultant Insurance Quote
Get A Consultant Insurance Quote
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It Takes Three Easy Steps
Choose Your Product & Get a Quote
Confirm your occupation is eligible and if interested read more about the coverages.
Answer Questions
The more we know about your business, the better we can tailor insurance for you!
Receive Your Quote & Pay Online
Receive your premium, pay securely and receive your policy documents by email!
Do Consultants or Consulting Businesses need Insurance?
Insurance for consultants is not mandatory by law, however, it’s important to have since clients or customers can still sue you for claims of negligence or failure to provide professional services. The expenses and fees can pile up quickly which can put your business at risk.
In addition, commercial insurance can help meet your contractual obligations with your clients. The bigger the clients you deal with, the more often you will run up against clients requiring your business to have a variety of insurance coverages.
How much does Online Insurance for Consultants cost?
Cost for General Liability or Professional Liability insurance is dependent on a variety of factors, some of which include your specific industry & operations, the size of your business, experience, training, and your business’s annual revenue.
Our Online Insurance for Consultants cost is also dependent on which limits of insurance you select, making it possible for you to customize based on your budget and business’ needs.
How do I ensure I'm getting the right insurance coverage needed for my business?
Great Question! Online Insurance for Consultants has been designed specifically for smaller independent consultants or consulting businesses under 20 employees in Alberta. In addition, we have provided descriptions of all optional and included coverages within the insurance product. To make sure you’re getting the insurance you ACTUALLY need, we recommend reading our blog post and applying them to your business.
I didn't meet the qualifications for getting an online quote. What now?
Not to worry! We will be notified to reach out to you and see if we can help customize a policy for you.
What does online insurance cost include? Are there any extra fees?
Your policy documents and coverage are included in the price and at the payment processing stage, there is a small administration/payment processing fee applied.
Extra administration charges apply for required mid-term changes, certificates, and if specific Broker services are needed throughout the year.