Non Profit Insurance
Non profit insurance is vital in protecting the people and resources that help your non-profit organization fulfill its vision. Get started in protecting your non-profit against common risks and potential negligence claims. At Collis Insurance, we have over a decade of experience providing tried & true insurance solutions for non-profits. Let us save you time and money, today.
- Directors & Officers Liability – Included
- General Liability – Optional
- Contents & Assets Coverage – Optional
- Legal Advice Phone Line – Included
* Important: Please check the List of Eligible and Excluded Classes for this package. If coverage is bought and your operations fall under the Excluded classes – coverage will be voided.
If your organization’s operations are a part of the Excluded Classes, we would be happy to provide you with other Non-Online quote options for consideration.
Click Here for descriptions and more information.
These policies are designed to be more economical due to less personnel handling being required. Please type your information in the application carefully. Once a policy is purchased online, any changes needed will result in extra administration charges.
Please check the List of Eligible and Excluded Classes for this package. If coverage is bound and your operations fall under the Excluded classes – coverage will be voided.
If your organization’s operations are a part of the Excluded Classes, we would be happy to provide you with other Non-Online quote options for consideration.
This Online Nonprofit Insurance policy is designed for nonprofits in Alberta: Calgary, Edmonton, Cochrane, Lethbridge, Okotoks, Medicine Hat, Airdrie etc.
Who Qualifies for Online Non Profit Insurance Coverage?
Eligible Nonprofit Service Organizations
- Bingo Hall
- Botanical Gardens
- Campus or Community Radio Stations & Newspapers
- Civic, Community, Special Interest Associations or Groups
- Community Centres
- Community Organizations
- Counselling Services
- Foundation
- Health, Disability Associations, Societies (Red Cross, Cancer Society, War Amps, Addiction Work, etc)
- Historical Society
- Legion Hall
- Lion’s Clubs
- Trade, Professional and Business Associations
- Research / Development Institute
- Social Welfare Organization
In-Eligible / Excluded Nonprofit Service Organizations from Insurance Program
- For Profit Businesses
- Agricultural Marketing Boards
- Airport Commissions
- Animal Control / SPCA
- Churches, Synagogues, Temples, Convents, Monasteries
- Community Futures Development Organization
- Condominium Corporations (including Strata’s and Homeowners’ Associations)
- Co-Operative (Industrial / Agricultural)
- Preschools / Daycares
- Fraternities/Sororities
- Golf / Curling / Country Club
- Hospitals, Medical Clinics, Medical Institutions
- Labour Unions
- Libraries
- Municipal, Provincial, Federal Administrations (including Crown Corporations)
- Product Development Organizations which include testing and standards
- Professional Groups with regulatory authority and/or disciplinary committees (SRO’s)
- Rehabilitation or Convalescent Centres
- Schools: Private/Public/Vocational/Trade
- Senior Citizen Care Facilities (including Nursing and Retirement Homes)
- Social / Recreational Club
- Sports Club
- Student Unions
Coverage Amounts / Limit Options
The following table outlines the specific coverage limit options available to choose to purchase.

Limit/Coverage Amount– the highest amount the insurer will pay in the case of a claim.
Premium – the minimum starting premium amount per coverage you would pay to cover your organization.
Non Profit Insurance Coverages
Directors & Officers Liability for Nonprofits – Included
A non-profit organization needs director’s and officer’s (d&o) insurance because the directors & officers are personally liable for a variety of things under the law, that just don’t disappear if the organization shuts down. Typically nonprofit Boards of Directors can face a variety of claims, including mismanaging the organization, mismanaging finances, mistakes in decision making, unpaid wages, and taxes, etc. This means that nonprofits can be the target of a lawsuit for their negligence or wrongful acts. Director’s and Officer’s Insurance protects your organization by also covering the associated legal costs (defense expenses, settlements, etc.) for covered loss type.
Some examples of events that could lead to a claim include:
- A conflict of interest
- A wrongful dismissal
- Misleading representations
- Mismanagement of the organization’s finances
D&O insurance is crucial in protecting directors and officers, management, and the entity itself.
Commercial General Liability for Nonprofits – Optional
Accidents happen whether they are within or outside your control, frivolous or not, a defense is required. General Liability Insurance helps cover allegations of negligence of Bodily Injury or Property Damage to someone else. The organization, management and employees are covered while acting within the scope of their duties. General Liability also includes defense against personal and advertising injury claims, for example, libel and slander.
If you don’t already have CGL coverage, this and directors & officers insurance is highly recommended.

Contents & Property Coverage – Optional
Contents and property coverage protects your nonprofit’s physical assets from fire, explosions, burst pipes, hail/wind storms, vandalism, and theft among others. It covers items indoors like appliances, computers, equipment, furniture, and even leasehold improvements… Imagine an employee accidentally leaves the oven on which causes a fire that damages the counter. Contents insurance provides funds to repair or replace these items. When unexpected events happen, this insurance coverage allows you to limit your financial losses and get back to focussing on running your non profit organization.
Legal Phone Line – Included
This service gives you the ability to get unlimited legal advice from lawyers in a variety of specialties. You never know when you may need the guidance and advice of a lawyer to make sure your nonprofit is protected against risks. Whether the concern is big or small, having this service on the table allows you to get timely advice – not to mention, without the costly fees that lawyers usually charge.
Examples of needing legal advice for your non-profit includes:
- Contractual Questions or Disputes
- Copyright and Trademark Infringement Possibilities
- Managing a Conflict of Interest
- Mitigating risks associated with events your nonprofit hosts
To learn more about the top legal risks your non profit organization faces, Click Here.

Have a question? Don’t hesitate to reach out!
(403) 265-5475
Or send us a chat below.
Do Nonprofits need Insurance?
Insurance for nonprofits is not mandatory by law, however, it’s important to have since third parties can still sue you for claims of negligence and unexpected accidents. The expenses and fees can pile up quickly which can put your nonprofit organization at risk.
How much does Insurance for Nonprofits cost?
The cost is dependent on a variety of factors, some of which include the size of your business, experience, training, and your business’s annual revenue.
Our Online Insurance for Nonprofits cost is also dependent on which coverages and limits of insurance you select, making it possible for you to customize based on your budget and business needs.
How do I make sure I'm getting the right insurance coverage for my business?
Great Question! Insurance for nonprofits has been designed specifically for Canadian non-profit and charity organizations in Alberta. In addition, we have provided descriptions of all optional and included coverages above. Use the chat icon on the lower left of your screen to send us a message or click on ‘contact us’ if you have any questions!
I didn't meet the qualifications for getting an online quote. What now?
Not to worry! We will be notified to reach out to you and see if we can help customize a policy for you.
What does online insurance cost include? Are there any extra fees?
Your policy documents and coverage are included in the price and at the payment processing stage, there is a small administration/payment processing fee applied.
Extra administration charges apply for required mid-term changes, certificates, and if specific Broker services are needed throughout the year.
* All insurance coverage described is intended to be general in nature and subject to the applicable insurer’s specific policy wording, terms, conditions and exclusions.